Sunday, June 5, 2011

Yarn Bombing

So it turns out next Saturday is International Yarn Bombing Day; was my friend Vivian on to this when she bombed her house?

There are alot of people out there doing fun and creative yarnbombing and, of course, there is a Ravelry group for this as well.   Here are some pictures I came across:



Streetcolor decorated this pole outside of The Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco:


A subway seat in Philadelphia:


The Raging Bull on Wall Street was covered in crochet by an artist named Olek.  This picture is from an article in the New York Times about yarn bombing:


There's also a book  on yarnbombing by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain  for anyone interested:



  1. *COOL*!! -- And, thanks for the Calendar "heads-up"!

  2. I was inspired by the yarn bombing talks on Ravelry, but didn't know about the event coming up.

  3. This is great! Are you going to bomb your house?

  4. There was yarn bombing in downtown San Jose last weekend, in time for SubZERO.
