Friday, January 10, 2014

A Snowflake Scarf

Several finished projects to show today.  My snowflake scarf, as I'm calling it, was nice to work on.  This On Linie Iceland is a bulky yarn in beautiful shades of deep blue with flecks of white which looks like snowflakes.


Using size 11 needles and a simple mistake rib pattern, it worked up quickly while I sat glued to the TV yesterday watching the Cris Christie saga unfold on CNN.  Blocking the traffic on the George Washington, the nation's busiest bridge,  for four days to retaliate against Ft. Lee's mayor for political reasons -- what where these people thinking?

Here's a few pictures of my scarf:



Here's another picture of my Rascal Raccoon Sweater, this time with our own little rascal wearing it, my grandson:


One more finished project, for FO Friday.  My Common Ground sweater:


This was made with a Gaelic Chunky yarn that has since been discontinued.  The yarn called for was Cascade's Eco Wool and this is a little heavier, but it has come in handy for these cold mornings.  A nice easy top down project with great directions from Elizabeth Smith and minimal finishing.  Nothing to sew together, no buttons! Her patterns are all so easy!



That's it for now.  Have a great weekend and stay warm!



  1. He is adorable!!! And such a cute sweater. Love your finished sweater. I want to get more sweaters for me done this year, yes I say that every year! LOL. But I have too many projects lined up with too much yarn not getting used, so I need to buckle down and just do it this year.

  2. Your rascal and his sweater are super cute. Your common ground looks like it fits perfectly! Lovely job!

  3. Love that the look of that LINIE yarn! - So. "weirdness" - I was just flipping through my latest issue of COUNTRY LIVING [feb] and on p.10 is a pic of "SPLATTER-WARE"... That looks EXACTLY like that YARN!! ;-D
    BTW, Your Munchkin looks FAB in his new Sweater! Great Fit! -- Loving the Cardigan too...

  4. Three lovely projects. They are all fab.

  5. Google just ate my last two comments. grrrr
